Ali Al Dabbagh
Mr. Cohen and Miss. DiPaolo
Mary 16th, 2023
Planning for Adapting Famous Writers
1.What author and book are you thinking of picking? Why? I am choosing to do Golding’s "Lord of the Flies,", because out of all the other extractions, the plot of this novel is the most intriguing to me. I have always been into plot isolation and survival movies, as well as real life stories, so out of all the novels I would like to spend time on, this one would be my favorite. Another reason I chose this book is because the situation of being stuck on an island trying to survive gives me a sense of tension, which makes me interested in adding more to it. I also chose this novel because William Golding’s writing style is the most understandable and similar to my own. So, I decided to choose it to fit in more with my natural writing style. Lastly, I chose this novel because the narrative style, being third-person omniscient, makes it much simpler and easier when it comes to adding detail in the correct manner. Because if I were writing from a first-person stream of consciousness, I would have to know more about the character, and what they were thinking and feeling in those moments.
2. What ideas do you have for your writing? What moment of the book do you want to adapt/what are you thinking of including in your adaption? Some ideas I have for this writing is to change up some of the events that took place. I plan to add on to the moment where Jack is tracking down a boar, and Ralph attempts to throw his spear at it, trying to kill it. In the original novel, he strikes the pig in the snout, and it gets away. Yet in my version for the assignment, I will write the story as if he successfully kills the pig. Then, I will talk about the process of making the pig's meat edible, and dig into Ralph's and the other boys' knowledge on survival. It is important to note that this is Ralph’s first time hunting, which makes him much more excited and thrilled for this experience. Because of this, I want to add to how Ralph's being a killer and hunting down animals changes his point of view on things and adds to his character development. I want to wanna talk about how Ralph's reaction before hunting had him exhilarated, yet afterwards was in regret.
3. What methods do you plan to use? Why? Give some examples below.
I am going to use the narrative method of third-person omniscience. The entire novel takes place with this narrative method, so to write like Golding did, I will do the same. An example of this could be for when Ralph throws the spear successfully killing the pig, I will talk about Ralph's physical reaction, and the phrases he says afterwards. Rather than talking about his stream of consciousness, and what he was thinking in that exact moment. An example quote for this can be “Ralph stands still in shock as he is watching the peak squeak and gurgle on the floor. Ralph suddenly turns all red, and his heart starts pounding fast. He then asks himself aloud “What was the point? What have I become?”. The author also loves to use a lot of quotations, and constant conversations. So, I am gonna have Ralph and Jack conversing a lot, rather than just describing his body language. Golding also likes to use the narrative style of the rule of three, yet the three statements are descriptive words. An example of this can be for when I am describing the pig “The boar sprinting at full speed, his legs moving so fast they are invisible, his fur black like the night sky, and his tusks raised in the air ready to deal damage”. Golding also loved to use hyperbole to really exaggerate some of the tense parts of the novel. So I will be sure to exaggerate the pigs actions after being speared. I can say “The pig squealed so loud that other animals from miles away were able to hear it, the gurgling of its blood in the silence seemed loud enough to make the nearby birds fly away.” A ajority of the interactions on the island are spent using actual words, but in short sentences. So I will be sure to do the same with Ralph’s interactions.
4. Write a paragraph of writing, in the style of the author - this can be used in your Adapting Famous Writers assessment. Ralph found himself standing still as a boar sprints at him. The boar is running full speed with its tusks out and its eyes on Ralph. "Here it comes!" Ralph gripped the spear in his right hand and got into a stance to throw it. "You got this, Ralph; just focus,"Jack says quietly to not disturb him. Ralph lunges his right foot back and, with full force, projects the spear directly at the head of the boar. Ralph stands still, not moving as the spear leaves his hand, not knowing what to say. Ralph being in shock as he watches the pig squeak and gurgle on the floor. Ralph suddenly turns all red, and his heart starts pounding fast. He then asks himself aloud: "What was the point? What have I become?". Jack slowly walks up to him and whispers in his ear. "You can keep surviving now; that's the point." Ralph responds "Bu-bu-but, I’m a killer." Ralph's overthinking and emotions were the only things on his mind; he was still in a state of shock. Jack responds, "This is the cost of survival, whether you like it or not. You asked yourself, "What have you become? You’ve become a survivor, that's what." Ralph finally processes this whole situation; his skin tone slowly turns from red to his natural color. Then he finally speaks out: "You're right, Jack; this is the cost of survival. Yet this life isn't suitable for me; I would much rather be at home right now playing with friends." "Even though I am going to need it to I am not a killer, I am not a hunter, and I am still a little boy." Jack nods his head down without saying a word, then walks over to the boar's dead body and picks it up. Ralph looks over at Jack with his hand palming his face in disbelief. In honor of Ralph, Jack turns his back towards him so he can't see the pig's corpse, then walks off into the distance without saying a word.